Deferred Action Tips

The new Deferred Action Program for Parents of US citizen of permanent resident children will help some who are in the US without documents (sometimes called illegal immigrants). The program is not yet in place and no applications can be filed until the regulations and forms are in place.

Both the Deferred Action for Parents (DAPA and Deferred Action for Children (DACA) require the applicant to show physical presence in the US for at least 5 years. Here are some tips on what you can do now to prepare for an application:

Look for as many of the following paper documents that you can find:

  1. Receipts and invoices with your name on them.
    • Leases
    • Mortgages
    • Phone and utility bills
    • Tax receipts
  2. Medical Documents showing:
    • Medical care
    • Medical appointments
    • Prescription refills (Your pharmacy may be able to print out prescriptions filled in the past year
    • Medical records for children that include your name and child’s name
  3. Birth certificates for children born in the US
  4. School Records for yourself and or yourself
    • Report cards
    • Parent-Teacher Meetings
    • Participation in school events
  5. Employment Records
    • Pay stubs or W-2 forms
  6. Letters or sworn statements from people who have had contact with you regularly for the last five years. Although you may provide letters from friends or relatives, it is more helpful to provide letters and statements from someone who is more independent such as the following:
    • Local businesses – letter on their letterhead if possible (attach receipts)
    • Community organization
    • If you regularly attend religious services, a religious leader for a statement
  7. Be careful – Only submit real documents with truthful information.
    • If you provide false information you are committing fraud. This could not only lead to a denial of an application. It could keep you from ever being able to immigrate to the US. You could also be charged with a crime.
  8. Do not work with notaries, people who are not licensed to provide legal advice. Seek legal advice from an experienced immigration lawyer. This is especially important for the following groups:
    • If you have ever been arrested,
    • If you have ignored a removal order,
    • If you have ignored a court date, you may have been ordered removed (deported)
    • If you have entered the US without inspection (sometimes called illegal entry) since January 1, 2014.